Discount prescription drug cards can save you money. But, some scammers use fake discount cards to steal your identity or your money. Before accepting discount cards remember:
- REAL discount cards are Free—you should never pay for one
- FAKE discount cards ask for money or claim to replace Medicare
- TALK to someone you trust, like your agent, health plan provider or pharmacist
Good prescription discount cards:
- Are free and may come from well-known stores or healthcare companies
- Can help Medicare D enrollees in a coverage gap or an individual during the deductible. Make sure they file the claim with your plan first.
- Do not claim to replace Medicare or insurance
Avoid cards that:
- Ask for money, your Medicare number, any insurance member numbers or banking information
- Claim you will lose your Medicare or Prescription drug coverage without a card.
If you enrolled in Medicare part D you can always call 1-800-Medicare with questions about your prescription drug costs and any gaps in coverage.
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